Still working my way through inking this. Hopefully this is the most tedious step, since coloring is all just a bunch of green strewn this way and that. I was worried that the lines were starting to lose some of the personality compared to the sketch, but I think it will still shape up nicely.
With all that's going on, this past week has been unusual. Starting a few days ago I've been working from home, which despite the grim reason for doing so has been a wonderful experience thus far. I do not miss driving to and from my office each day and I love being able to eat lunch in my own kitchen, step out for fresh air, and be with family who are also staying at home. Unfortunately I don't think this will stick with our workplace after this is all over.
Even more somber, starting next week everyone's work hours are being cut in half. I'm not worried... yet. I have a reasonable bit of money saved in the bank for this sort of occasion, but of course the rent still comes whether or not I'm getting paid and the uncertainty of the future can be foreboding. On the bright side, it's finally warming up again so our electricity bill should be much smaller.
For now though, I'm going to make lemons into lemonade and use the extra time to hopefully churn out more artwork. I'd like to start doing commissions, but I want to get a good set of images to show what I'm capable of making, and also what I would be comfortable making for others. I'm going to have to learn how to be comfortable asking for money too.
We'll see what happens. As dark as it sounds, there's a sort of comfort knowing everyone's in the same boat.