Now that I've had some practice with the leaves and the overlaps are all taken care of I think this is starting to come together pretty nicely! I'm going to keep adding more layers of detail, specifically the tertiary vines (apparently they're usually trimmed to keep the vine healthy, but those little curly vines are too pretty not to include) and I'm going to bury the bases of the secondary vines in mounds of dirt like some gardeners do. Maybe try drawing some dirt on Ray too.
Now that it's entered the grind portion I've tried to keep a steady pace without trying to rush to a finished product. I think I have a bad habit of going for the sprint when I should be going for the marathon.
I still have that piece for Athena planned after this. That sketch turned out so well that I've been anxious to use it. I also have another idea for a piece after that. I don't know how long I can keep this naturism train going, but as long as they're coming it's not like the practice hurts any.
Oh nice, its evolving great :3