Perfectly unremarkable
Joined on 12/5/09
Posted by RedMarlin - November 24th, 2019
I had one thing I wanted to do this weekend and I couldn't get it done because of all the other things I had to do. I just wanted to make a new drawing table - I need another one and I had plans made for a new model. I wanted to spend a nice Sunday doing that, but that just couldn't happen. At least I got the pieces cut out.
And now it's 9:49 and I have to go to work in the morning. And tomorrow evening I have to make dinner. And the evening after that I have to make a pie to bring to my family for Thanksgiving. I just want more time. I just want more time.
Posted by RedMarlin - November 9th, 2019
My god, it sure has been a goddamn while. The move-in is going well so far. Finally got my PC up and running again.
As for this damn mermaid, I don't think it's turning out how I want. I kind of like how the process is going, but I feel stuck on it and I'm reaching a point where I want to move onto something else. Still, she's kind of cute... but I suppose I can draw more cute busty girls if I really want to.
Posted by RedMarlin - October 27th, 2019
Still haven't figured it out. Throwing in the towel for now and going with another style from the bin. More of a chalk/pastel look. Again the text cylinder doesn't look much like the original but it's a good starting point and I kind of like how it's turning out. For some reason my brain fights me every step of the way though, saying "this isn't right". I need to learn how to shut that part up for a bit. I suppose that goes back to the whole open mode/closed mode thing.
Posted by RedMarlin - October 25th, 2019
I spent a good chunk of time trying to figure out how the hell this person did what they did. Maybe I'm just getting impatient. I probably need to make a new brush from scratch rather than trying to find the right one from the bin.
Though what I came up with is starting to work its way to something decent. Still a ways to go though. I didn't think it would be this difficult.
Posted by RedMarlin - October 20th, 2019
Where does the evening go? One minute you're putting in unclocked time on a work piece and the next thing you know it's 1:30AM and you're starving.
I think this is turning out well. Might not be as great as other concept art pieces, but this one is mine.
As usual, this took way longer than expected. Really glad I decided to work on this at home. I hope they appreciate this. It's a small company so me saying that isn't just a pipe dream.
It doesn't feel like work though. This is stuff I do anyway. Maybe that says something.
Posted by RedMarlin - October 19th, 2019
Where does the evening go? One minute you're watching some clips on Youtube and the next minute it's 2AM.
I got to work on the back shot of Joan almost all day, though I can tell my boss is getting impatient that I haven't finished yet. I want this to be good though. I think it'll make a fine portfolio piece, especially once we get the final product in.
I don't have much practice drawing shots from behind, so I spent a lot of time trying to get her to look right, and I may have gone a little overboard... she wound up coming out with a really nice butt. Which is fine, but it felt a little unfit for something at work, so I actually had to tone her proportions down and cover her up.
Even then, I still had the nude base that I was drawing clothes on layer by layer, starting with the apron and working my way in. It felt... strangely intimate. I don't know why, I've never experienced that before.
I'm tempted to keep working on this over the weekend just so I can have it ready on time. My boss seems nice, but he can turn pretty easily when things aren't going as planned, and I think he secretly hates that tablet of mine.
He's going to have to deal with it though. I enjoy my job when I'm working on this, so like it or not I'm going to milk it for all it's worth.
Posted by RedMarlin - October 14th, 2019
I think I know what my problem is. I never finish anything. I make a lot of progress on something, but then something else catches my attention and I move onto that, and nothing actually gets done.
I tried coming up with a few different hairstyles for her. That bob cut at the top is super cute (I've discovered I'm a bit of a sucker for that look) but she's meant to look like she's being dragged up through the water, so unfortunately it won't fit for this piece. My plan is to draw each of the body types on the left with a different rendering style as practice, so maybe in addition to that I'll give them each different hairstyles as well. That would be six for six, though I'm not crazy about that last hairstyle.
I think the key word is momentum. I need to keep the momentum going, and it's important that it doesn't get shifted to a different path, because it's hard to get back on the original once it's off.