A lot has happened in the past several months.
I don't make new years' resolutions because I would likely break them in a matter of weeks.
Motivation has gone up and down in terms of art. Right now it's up again and I'm currently experimenting a bit with traditional art - mixed media with watercolors, colored pencils and pastels. We'll see how that goes. Also started sketching again after several weeks of not doing anything. Still trying a more realistic style and trying to go bigger, but with that comes a lot of challenges. I probably should study more.
I don't know that the medicine is working all that well. It seems like my sleep habits do more to affect my mood than the pills, so either the meds aren't working and I need to try something different, or I don't need meds to begin with. Who knows.
Also I apparently have leukemia. It is probably not going to kill me, but that was pretty scary to hear. Both my mind and my body seem to want me dead. But I'm not going to let that happen.
I think I've come to accept what it is I want to achieve with my art. It took a pretty bad experience to recognize it, but I'm happy now that it's here.