It has been a lovely evening, with lots of productivity in several different ways. I didn't expect to make a sketch this detailed this evening, but as I was driving home I glanced over at a house that was next to a busy road and thought about how nice it would be to have a privacy screen made of bamboo, which in turn led to me dreaming of having a cove outside surrounded by lush greenery, both around and above. Then I got a vision for another drawing in what might as well be a series by this point. Something about him painting with that oversized brush felt appealing. Imagine being out in the warm Summer sun, the light poking through the leaves and dotting the floor, spending hours in quiet privacy creating art while wearing nothing but what you were born with. I bet it would be relaxing.
Of course it's different when you're grown up. Especially when you're a man. Once your innocence is lost, nudity takes on a different meaning.
I still think it would be comfy.
Nudity never really dazzled me. For me its just another layer of how people can show a bit of themselves. For me naked person is somewhat similiar to a person that told me something really personal about themselves.
I kind of feel the same way. I think that's another reason why I feel I have to be careful with this kind of subject matter. It feels very personal even if they're not real.
Though I do also think there's an inherent beauty in the human form, so I guess that counts as dazzled.